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My research focuses on the intersection of stem cell biology, development, and reproduction. I am particularly interested in one overarching research question: how does the embryo engage with the uterus? And related to that, how does the uterus regenerate itself? How does it renew itself each menstrual cycle in preparation for pregnancy? How does it regenerate following injury, and what are the consequences to embryonic development when this injury response goes awry? Overall, my long-term goal is to combine innovative functional approaches in mice and in human organoid models to interrogate the molecular origins of health and disease at the maternal-fetal interface and during uterine regeneration.

Follow the links below to learn more about the 3 major areas of my past and current work: mechanisms of transcriptional regulation in embryonic stem cells, formation of the maternal-fetal interface during pregnancy, and modeling human uterine endometrial biology in health and disease. 

ESC diagram Biorender2_edited_edited_edited.png

Embryonic Stem cells


Maternal-Fetal Interface


Uterine Endometrium

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