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About Elisa

Dr. Elisa Zhang is an Assistant Professor at the University of California, Davis in the departments of Physiology & Membrane Biology and Obstetrics & Gynecology. She was previously a Postdoctoral Research Scientist at the Stanford School of Medicine. Combining molecular, cellular, and in vivo approaches, Elisa is working to advance our understanding of adult stem cell biology, reproduction, and cancer, particularly in the context of women's health. 


Elisa received an A.B. magna cum laude from Harvard College. After completing a Fulbright scholarship at EMBL Heidelberg in Dr. Andreas Ladurner's lab, she pursued her Ph.D. in molecular and cell biology in Dr. Robert Tjian's lab at UC Berkeley.


Elisa has been conducting her postdoctoral research at Stanford University, first in Dr. Julie Baker's lab as an A.P. Giannini Postdoctoral Fellow where she developed a novel mouse model of uterine injury and its impact on subsequent pregnancy outcomes. She has since continued her postdoctoral work in Dr. Calvin Kuo's lab, using uterine endometrial organoids or "mini-organs in a dish" to model human endometrial dynamics and disease.


A.B. magna cum laude in Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard College

Ph.D. in Molecular and Cell Biology, UC Berkeley

Postdoctoral scholar, Stanford University


Elisa has earned significant recognition for her work over the years. Most recently, Elisa was an A.P. Giannini Foundation postdoctoral fellow from 2017-2020. She has been highly successful at securing funding for her research through the NIH, the Stanford Maternal Child Health and Research Institute, the Stanford Women's Health and Sex Differences Center, and other organizations. Her doctoral work was awarded the Alan J. Bearden Award for the Outstanding Thesis on a Biophysical Topic and was supported by a UC Berkeley Distinguished Fellowship and an NSF Graduate Fellowship. Her teaching has earned high student ratings and was recognized with a UC Berkeley Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award.

Other interests:

In her spare time, Elisa enjoys cooking, playing music with her string quartet, hiking, and traveling. She also enjoys flamenco, Scandinavian TV shows, and learning foreign languages.

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